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Federal Employee Handbook Generator

Stay Ahead of HR Lawsuits with Tailored Handbooks

What's the secret to dodge those tricky HR lawsuits? A little something we like to call handbooks. Oh, but not just any handbooks - we're talking fully customized, 100% local, state, and federally compliant handbooks that are always up-to-date (and it's all done for you).

Federal Compliant Employee Handbook for Dental and Healthcare

Why You Need an Employee Handbook

Save yourself the worry of legal fines and employment claims.

One of the most important elements to incorporate in your practice is the employee handbook. Many practice owners do not realize how important it really is... until they need it.

An employee handbook is the cornerstone of everything your business stands for. It showcases the rules and regulations, workplace policies, federal and state labor laws, and illustrates a plethora of important features such as pregnancy accommodations, anti-discrimination/harassment policies, and protected sick leave.

Our automated Federal Handbook Generator will walk you through creating an employee handbook that is specific to your practice. Enter practice details, your state, benefit offerings, and more, and you will have a compliance-ready handbook to implement with your team.

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Questions on the Employee Handbook Generator?
We are here to help.

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