Free Federal Employee Handbook Generator to stay ahead of HR lawsuits.
What's the secret to dodging those tricky HR lawsuits? A critical tool that we like to call handbooks. But we're not talking about just any handbooks – we're talking about fully customized, federally compliant handbooks.
The cost for developing an employee handbook can range significantly, from $500 up to $10,000 or more, depending on its complexity and the need for legal review. With our free Federal Employee Handbook Generator, you can eliminate these costs while still receiving a high-quality, fully compliant handbook for your practice.
Employee Handbook Generator
The All-in-One HR Software Trusted by 3,000+ Healthcare Practices
Why do you need an employee handbook?
Protect yourself from legal fines and employment claims
One of the most essential elements to incorporate in your practice is the employee handbook. Many practice owners don't realize its importance until they need it.
An employee handbook is the foundation of everything your business stands for. It outlines the rules and regulations, workplace policies, and federal laws.

Why do handbooks need to be customized?
Every business is unique. Your practice's culture, operations, core values, and employee benefits may differ from others. That's why you need a customized handbook that effectively relays not only legal obligations but also your unique practices and policies. With a customized handbook, you create a transparent work environment contributing to increased staff productivity, loyalty, and overall positive work culture.